Brush Cleanup, Clearing & Removal

Brush Cleanup, Clearing, and Removal in York, Lancaster, and Harrisburg PA
Amspacher Tree Service offers skilled brush clean-up, brush clearing, and removal services across Central PA. We have extensive experience with brush clearing and we have cutting-edge equipment to help us get the job done in an efficient, safe, and timely manner.
We serve residential and commercial property owners.
By clearing the brush from around your trees you will ensure the trees have the necessary room to grow as well and have proper access to nutrients.
Why Do You Need an Experienced Brush Clearing and Removal Service?
- Overgrown brush should be cleared for fire prevention.
- Reduce animal nesting which can lead to other problems like insect damage, termites and tick infestation, and more pests.
- Get down to the Roots. Getting the roots out is no easy task.
- Thorns, Poison Ivy, and Poison Oak are not to be messed around with and may need an experienced eye to identify.
- Areas around the tree roots can be very vulnerable to damage and additional care needs to be taken to protect the tree’s base.
- Stump removal and stump grinding may sometimes be required to get rid of the overgrown foliage.
Give us a call at 717-792-0950 or use the contact us form and when will gladly provide you with a free quote.