Tree Trimming & Tree Pruning

Tree Trimming and Tree Pruning in York, Lancaster, and Harrisburg PA

We offer tree trimming and tree pruning in York, Lancaster, and Harrisburg PA. Having trees on your property is great for shade and privacy but you can not ignore your trees and just let them alone grow as tall and as wide as they would in the wild. Especially if they are close to your house or another building on your property. This is what makes a tree pruning or tree trimming service at your York, Lancaster, or Harrisburg PA property so critical.

If you take in to consideration the safety, liability, clean-up and removal, disposal, physical labor demands, and skills needed, hiring a professional is often the best choice of property owners.

So how can with assist you with your Tree Pruning and Tree Trimming In Central PA? Depending on your needs our services may include any of the following.

  • Most of the time we are able to correct any previous poor pruning.
  • Remove deadwood and unsafe branches.
  • Selectively remove crossing branches to ensure better long-term growth.
  • Elevate the lower branches to create more space under the tree.
  • Reduce the crown to lower the tree’s height (this is NOT topping a tree).
  • Thin the tree carefully to create more light and airflow.

In any given year, no more than 26% – 32% of a tree should be removed through pruning. A mature tree is more vulnerable to too much pruning. The Amspacher tree experts will prune only as much as is safe for the tree so the property owner can enjoy its beauty for years to come.

Give us a call at 717-792-0950 or fill out our contact us form today.

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